Okay, I am using VHDL at my new job, and haven't used it in years. I was trying to sign extend basic logic circuits and it was driving me crazy. Finally I found this, and it seems like it works:
Input signal to sign extend was
wimax_out :in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- output of wimax modulator
in the architecture area...
-- sign extent input to 18-bits
wimax_sign_ext_18 <= wimax_out(15) & wimax_out(15) & wimax_out;
-- sign extend to 48-bit C input
wimax_sign_ext_48(47 downto 16) <= (others => wimax_out(15));
wimax_sign_ext_48(15 downto 0) <= wimax_out;
So concating works (&) and the others => work, at least according to modelsim and the 'signed decimal' signals. I am willing to bet other methods work, or perhaps work more properly, but I do not care
Verilog all the way
Just in case anyone who ends up here does care, there's SXT() from STD_LOGIC_ARITH and RESIZE() from NUMERIC_STD (with signed parameter).